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Rebuilding of housing in North West Province

Undeniably, the amount of growth being experienced in the North West Province has been partly due to the mining activities in the area. There has also been an influx of people associated to the miners into the area. Families used to be divided, as the beadwinner would remain in the hostels supplied for the workers and return home only occasionally. Families have begun to move closer to the mines in order to be together. This instantly leads to an increase in the need for adequate housing as hostels are suitable for families.

The influx of the families means the need for job creation or means of self employment and a suitable space from which to operate.

Mining hostels to be demolished.

The North West Department of Local Government and Human Settlements have announced that mining hostels in Khuma Township will be demolished to make way for living arrangements that include proper sanitation facilities and be suitable for families. April 2015 will see the demolition of these hostels begin, while the occupants are housed nearby until the new living quarters are complete.

The hostels were origionally built for migrant workers but have since become home to at least 250 miners. The hosyels are no longer suitable for human habitation and a criminal element has started to take over the vacant hostels. All will be demolished in a hope of preventing the spread of this kind of decay.

And for the rest of Rustenburg?

Although it is only the mining hostels which are being rebuilt it is a step towards the renewal and continued growth of Rustenburg as a city. Confidence in the area will return and investment and reasons for development will begin to emerge, allowing the presence of brick manufacturers and brick suppliers to provide all building resources locally.

Clay brick is the building material of choice for its strength and versatility, and also for the fact that clay face bricks do not need plastering and trim of any sort, thus cutting back on costs and long term expenses related to maintenance.


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